Shielding Your Property from Water Damage

Water damage can wreak havoc on your property, leading to costly repairs and compromising its structural integrity. At Carma Solutions Inc., we offer professional waterproofing solutions to protect your property from water damage and moisture infiltration. Our comprehensive assessment and treatment services target basements, foundations, and exterior surfaces, ensuring a dry, healthy environment and preventing future issues.

Services Offered

Comprehensive Assessment: Our experienced team conducts a thorough assessment of your property to identify areas susceptible to water damage and moisture infiltration. We inspect basements, foundations, and exterior surfaces to pinpoint potential vulnerabilities and develop a tailored waterproofing plan.

Targeted Treatment: Based on our assessment findings, we implement targeted waterproofing treatments to address specific areas of concern. This may include the installation of interior or exterior drainage systems, application of waterproof coatings, or sealing of cracks and gaps to prevent water intrusion.

Basement Waterproofing: Basements are particularly vulnerable to water damage due to their below-grade location. Our basement waterproofing solutions include basement drainage systems, sump pump installation, and waterproof coatings to keep your basement dry and protected.

Foundation Waterproofing: A strong foundation is essential for the structural integrity of your property. We offer foundation waterproofing services to protect against water seepage and hydrostatic pressure, preventing moisture infiltration and potential foundation damage.

Exterior Waterproofing: Exterior surfaces, including walls and roofs, are exposed to the elements and can be susceptible to water damage. Our exterior waterproofing treatments include the application of protective coatings and sealants to create a barrier against water intrusion and ensure long-lasting protection.


Prevent Water Damage: Our waterproofing solutions safeguard your property against water damage and moisture infiltration, preventing costly repairs and preserving its structural integrity.

Maintain a Healthy Environment: By keeping your property dry and free from moisture, our waterproofing solutions help maintain a healthy indoor environment, reducing the risk of mold, mildew, and other moisture-related issues.

Long-Term Protection: With our proven waterproofing techniques and quality materials, you can enjoy long-term protection and peace of mind knowing that your property is shielded from water damage.

Cost Savings: Investing in waterproofing now can save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and property damage associated with water infiltration.

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+1(800) 308-4714

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